Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Getting Serious

So I've agreed to spend a fair amount of money to up gun one of my computers to get this trading thing happening seriously. And for the price, I am incredibly happy. The guy I am going through has done a few of my friends computers, and a number of traders, and has a very good track record with this set up.

It's going to have the extra monitor on it obviously, with a new 22" wide screen to go alongside the existing 17". I'll be interested to see how the AMD dual core goes when it comes to the back testing and things. Have only had good experiences with them, as opposed to Intel.

Has anyone else had a computer built specifically for trading? I'd love to hear of your experiences, and what you had built, what you added on or found superfluous. As this one allows for a lot of add ons if I decide it's lacking in a few months.

But hopefully by this time next week, or perhaps earlier, I will have a new toy and perhaps a new love. :)


I bought 2 x 24in LCDs and only use one...the other, for now, is superfluous. But I plan to set-up another workstation area in my house so the other one will go there. Right now its in a box in the basement!

I don't think trading needs that high spec PC but if you want to do back testing on a lot of data with Amibroker implementing some more complex looping code then the more grunt you can get the better.


It is pretty grunty.

Doesn't have the biggest specs, but it still runs COD4 fine. Lol!

Plenty of grunt for processing applications specifically apparently. Has a really good sound card from my previous comp, for my music.

The 22" is plenty. I wouldn't bother with another, can seem to put 4 charts on the screen fine... I just have another 15" that I might as well use.

I'll post pics up soon.

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